A layer of muscles and tissues line the floor of the pelvis. Stretching like a hammock, these layers of muscle and tissue form a link between the pubic bone at the front and the tailbone at the back. The muscles play a significant role in controlling among others, bowel and bladder function.
A condition referred to as pelvic floor dysfunction usually develops when these muscles lose their normal control, as a result of becoming too loose or too tight, for one reason or the other. This condition affects both men and women. Pelvic floor physiotherapy can be used to treat this condition, helping eliminate all associated symptoms.
What Is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?
Pelvic floor muscles play have an important role to play when it comes to supporting the proper functioning of pelvic organs, like the rectum, bladder and uterus among others. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is used to diagnose and treat pelvic floor dysfunction. Once a diagnosis has been made, an effective treatment approach is designed to help relax or strengthen these all-important muscles in order to get them back to their optimal condition.
To achieve the desired effect, pelvic floor physiotherapists may use a variety of approaches, including:
Educating patients about these muscles, this part of the body as a whole and the causes and symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.Â
Physical manipulation of the muscles to improve mobility, posture and circulation
Pelvic floor exercises meant to work these muscles; these exercises may include breathing exercises as well.
Vaginal dilators may be used to relax the muscles and make penetration easier.
Low voltage electrical current stimulation designed to guide patients on how to contract their muscles.
Lastly, the condition and operation of the pelvic floor may also be inspected through a technique referred to as pelvic floor biofeedback. Â
Who Needs Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is beneficial to both men and women. For starters, it can help anyone who consistently struggles with holding back urine whenever they sneeze or cough.
Pregnant women can use this therapy to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles; therefore, helping support the increasing weight of their growing unborn child. Well conditioned pelvic floor muscles also tend to recover easily after child birth. People who have the urge to pass urine on a regular basis can also regain bladder control with this treatment method. Last but not least, pelvic floor physiotherapy can help aging women keep their pelvic floor muscles in great condition, regardless of the muscle weakening effects of menopause. It is also worth noting that advanced age may also trigger the development of pelvic floor dysfunction issues in men.    Â
When Should You See A Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist?
You may need to get pelvic floor physiotherapy if you experience the following symptoms:
Painful bowel movements, constipation and/or straining.
Pain during or after intercourse or ejaculation.
Vaginal prolapse.
Painful urination, urgency, frequency, incomplete emptying or hesitancy.
And uncontrollable pelvic floor muscle spasms among others. Â
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is an advanced discipline that is effectively helping both men and women rehabilitate problematic pelvic floor muscles.